PROJECT TITLE Project "New Skills in Advanced Technoly – ANTEA”
PUBLIC NOTICE "New Skills Fund: innovative actions to support company training" D.D. G07576 of 18/06/2021
FINANCIAL SUPPORT Lazio Region OP European Social Fund 2014-2020 - Axis 3 - Education and training - Investment priority 10iv - Specific objective 10.4° Authorized with Executive Determination n. G07576 of 18/06/2021
AUTHORITY OPERATOR ATS TOP CONSULTING & SERVICES S.R.L. (head) and Informatica Academy (component) Informatica Academy Srl
CUP CODE F84C22001430009
GENERAL PURPOSE The project New Skills in Advanced Technologies - ANTEA aims to provide participants, 10 employees of TOP CONSULTING & SERVICES S.R.L., with skills in the conception, design, customization, development and maintenance of Customer Relationship Management systems (CRM) mastering techniques and tools that ensure their professional growth and avoid professional obsolescences with risks of expulsion from the labor market. The training course includes teaching modules carried out with the didactic methodology of project work and training in presence or on the job. The objective is to acquire new basic skills in accordance with the changing organizational and production needs of both Top Consulting & Services S.r.l. but also of the market, Helping to stabilize their working situation for the future, considering the growth and development of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems and therefore the applicability of skills in the market. This objective is also achieved through the will enable a greater qualification of human resources that will acquire new and specific skills in technologies extremely demanded in the sector as well as functional to the development programs of Top Consulting & Services S.r.l. The project programme ANTEA provides very practical training which is also consistent with European strategies adopted in recent years, and emphasizes the role of on-the-job training as an essential element in strengthening competitiveness and productivity of enterprises.
The Customer Relationship Management (CRM) sector is now one of the fastest growing sectors in the Information Technology (IT) market: what was initially a prohibitive technology in terms of cost for many companies today, Thanks to the evolution of Information Technology (IT) and in particular cloud computing, has become convenient and usable for any company.
MAIN EXPECTED RESULTS The New Skills in Advanced Technology Project - ANTEA is pursuing the following results:
- For the company Top Consulting & Services S.r.l means to achieve a functional product and process innovation in line with the rapid evolution that characterizes the market of Information Technology (IT) for a economic recovery of both the company and the regional market;
- Enhance the professional heritage of workers through a greater qualification of human resources that will acquire new and specific skills in technologies highly demanded in the sector as well as functional to the development programs of the Top Consulting & Services S.r.l.
The expected results at the end of the course are specific and professional skills to implement, customize and administer CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software for managing customer relations in particular in the cloud, Providing them with new skills and abilities in the field of CRM software development and management.
PERIOD Project start-up: 23/09/2022 Project Deadline: 3/05/2023

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